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Monks Abbey Primary & Nursery School

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At Monks Abbey Primary School and Nursery, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe that every child within our school should have full access to the Art and Design provision as laid down in the National Curriculum, regardless of age, gender or ability. We want children to be inspired, engaged, and challenged. Children are given opportunities to explore their ideas and record their experiences, as well as exploring the work of others and evaluate different creative ideas. Children will become confident and proficient in a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, collage and printing. Children will develop their knowledge of famous artists and designers. Children will develop their interest and curiosity about art and design through a series of lessons offering skills progression, knowledge progression and the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a variety of ways. Through deeper understanding, pupils gain access to cultural richness and diversity.  


Art and Design is taught every term. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children at Monks Abbey. Teachers follow a clear progression of skills which ensures all pupils are challenged in line with their year group expectations and are given the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge. The process of revisiting skills throughout the children’s time in school allows them to be developed and progressed in terms of depth, understanding and challenge. We ensure that children develop their skills and techniques in a way appropriate to them, through clear differentiation and support, active and purposeful experiences and using a variety of art materials and teaching strategies. Art is linked as closely as possible to the topic for the term, ensuring relevance and context. Lessons take place in discrete art and design lessons and also in other wider curriculum subjects. Wherever possible, first hand experiences and real objects are used to stimulate art and design activities. Teaching is delivered in whole class groups, followed by group and individual work. New techniques and skills are modelled and examples of work are presented to the children. Children in Key Stage 2 use sketchbooks, so that children feel safe to experiment and take risks. They are also used to collect ideas and vocabulary that can be referred to later. We celebrate effort, progress and achievement in art through displays, enrichment activities, trips out of school and competitions. 


Pupils leave Monks Abbey with a love for art and design! They will have made outstanding progress during their time here, which is relative to their individual starting point and their progression of skills. They will have reached at least age-related expectations for Art and Design. Achievements are celebrated in school and children are able to talk confidently about their own work and the work of others.   

EYFS Art Links

 KS1 Long Term Plan

LKS2 Long Term Plan

UKS2 Long Term Plan