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Monks Abbey Primary & Nursery School

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The teaching of history at Monks Abbey provides children with a rich knowledge of the past. Teaching History at Monks Abbey aids children to build their skills progressively, focusing on: enquiry, critical thinking, weighing of evidence, examination and sifting of arguments and develop their own perspective and sense of judgement on historical topics. Children will also gain a better understanding of the lives of others, complex processes of change, increasing diversity as well as developing a sense of their own identity and how this fits into the bigger picture of local, national and global history. Learning will incorporate history within the local area to create meaningful, and personal links to the past alongside history of Britain and of the wider world. A long-term plan has been created to ensure coverage of National Curriculum objectives with opportunities planned to continuously build on previous learning. Central to the teaching of history is enquiry-based learning to enable children to become ambitious, curious and motivated learners. 


The history curriculum at Monks Abbey is taught chronologically within a two-year rolling programme, and within phases (EYFS, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6). History is taught in blocks, every term throughout the year, in order to provide children with a rich and deep understanding. Teachers have a good understanding of the key knowledge, vocabulary and skills in each topic and we have ensured progression is evident across the school. By the end of Year 6, the children will have a secure chronological understanding of British history, from the Stone Age to the present day, and will be able to use this understanding to note connections, comparisons and changes between time periods and their own lives. History provides excellent opportunities to enable children of all abilities to shine, whether through the investigation of sources or more ‘hands-on’ learning. History at Monks Abbey provides an excellent opportunity for children to follow a learning journey, through our use of ‘Big Questions’, which encourage children to combine prior and new knowledge to discuss, explore and answer an enquiry-based question, such as ‘Would you rather be a Roman or a Celt?’. This approach provides a platform for children to think critically about their learning, whilst gaining a deeper understanding of key learning, and creating a culture of curiosity and excitement towards history lessons. 


Outcomes in Topic books across the school evidence a rich, broad and balanced curriculum in history. There is evidence of differentiation across classes and year groups to allow all children to access, acquire and apply the key knowledge. Emphasis is placed on enquiry across the school, as one of our main Learning Characteristics, and children are able to demonstrate their questioning and critical thinking skills within the history curriculum and beyond. Children are able to use the ‘Big Question’ for each topic to follow the journey of their learning, weigh and sift through evidence and key knowledge in order to develop their own perspective and arrive at a conclusion. Children focus on vocabulary as a key part of the history curriculum, which aids their understanding of Tier 3 vocabulary as stated within the reading curriculum, which has been a key part of the development of our school. Children are enthusiastic, motivated and curious learners and this enables them, alongside high-quality first teaching to build a secure knowledge of the chronology of local, British, and the history of the wider world, and the impact this still has on their lives today. 

EYFS History Links

KS1 Long Term Plan

LKS2 Long Term Plan

UKS2 Long Term Plan