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Monks Abbey Primary & Nursery School

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We, at Monks Abbey, are committed to giving the best quality education to all the children
who attend the school. We are proud of the additional support we are able to give to those
children who need a little more help and support.
  • Monks Abbey Primary School is a 2 storey school which was built in 1905.
  • Nursery, Reception and Year 1 classes are situated on the ground floor of the building, all other year groups are situated on the first floor as is the library.  These are accessed via 3 separate staircases.  There is a ramp to access the hall and gymnasium on the ground floor.
  • There is a toilet for people with reduced mobility and also shower facilities on the ground floor.
  • ICT equipment, including laptops and Ipads, is available throughout the school. 
    All KS2 pupils have access to their own Ipad mini.  All classrooms are equipped with smartscreens.

Wherever possible we involve children and parents in SEN decision making.  For example what information needed to go on the SEN Information Report was decided through a group of parents, 2 governors and the SENCo over several meetings.

Also when deciding on new resources/equipment we frequently consult with our children with SEND to gather their opinions and ideas. 


If you have an issue/idea that you feel would benefit from being discussed with other parents/governors or would be useful to have on the website then please contact Mrs Fearn via ginny.fearn@monksabbey.lincs.sch.uk or come and see her in school.

Identifying SEN

What are SEN?

“A child has Special Educational Needs if he or she has a learning difficulty which calls for Special Educational Provision to be made for him or her.” (SEN and Disability Code of Practice 2014)


Identifying SEN at Monks Abbey

How We WIll Support Your Child

Once targets are set, it will be made clear how your child will be supported in attaining them. This will include Quality First teaching by their teacher in their classroom, scaffolded according to their ability and targets. Further targeted support may be provided from Teaching Assistants as well as other teachers or support workers. This may take the form of individual or small group support and/or intervention sessions. This will have been conveyed to parents at the target planning stage. This process is called the graduated approach.


Agencies We Work With

Educational Psychology – Lincolnshire Psychology Services

Educational Psychologist (EP) supports with assessments for learning, personal, social and emotional needs, observations of your child and target setting. Referral to EP is undertaken through planning sessions with the SENCo and EP. This is then discussed at review meeting with parents when we will discuss with you and ask you for consent.

Specialist Teaching Team

Specialist Teacher assess pupils individually to provide information to support pupils with cognition and learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, memory deficits and language development. The specialist teacher visits school one morning per fortnight. During termly review discussions your child may be identified as benefitting from receiving support from this service a referral form will be sent home to fill out to obtain additional information.


Mental Health Support Team

The Mental Health Support Team work with staff to support children at school through whole class workshops, small group sessions or individual sessions. They are also able to signpost parents to places for support. Miss Harris has a planning meeting monthly with our schools Designated Mental Health Practitioner to discuss any concerns that have been raised in school or by parents/carers. If individual support from this team is suitable for your child you will be given some forms to consent to their involvement to support your child.


Play Therapist

Mr Barker is our schools Play Therapist and he supports children to understand their emotions. Pupils are identified for this support through discussions with school welfare team, parents and if necessary social workers. A consent form will be sent home for you to fill out if this is an intervention your child requires.


Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy referrals can be made by school with parental consent and they can support to assess speech difficulties and language acquisition. Once a therapist has assessed your child and written a plan, school will work with your child to deliver the plan in school. Sometimes your child may require weekly therapy sessions from one of the speech and language therapist which school can support.


The Working Together Team

The Working Together Team provide strategies and support for children who find the classroom environment challenging as well as training for staff. The SENCo and The Working Together Team identify children who require support in a planning meeting. This will then be discussed with parents in review meetings and a referral form completed with parental consent for involvement.


The BOSS team

The BOSS Team are commissioned as part of the Pupil Re-integration Team at Lincolnshire County Council. They provide support for pupils who are at risk of exclusion due to challenging behaviour. They also provide training and support for staff in school. Referral is made to this team if your child is placed on a pastoral support plan.


Reviewing Your Child's Progress

How will we monitor your child's progress?

Your child’s class teacher will be regularly involved in pupil progress meetings, this will be with the Headteacher or another member of the Senior Leadership Team. Any concerns due to lack of progress will be identified and additional support put in place to address concerns.


Each term you will be invited to a review of your child’s support plan, this will be completed in a specific meeting during the school day. If you cannot attend in person this discussion can be held over the phone and will involve the SENCo, class teacher and parent. The child will discuss the progress they have made towards the class teacher prior to the meeting and this will be added to the notes on the child’s support plan. At the meeting you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and any other concerns you may have.


Any intervention groups your child is involved in will be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team for how effective they are, if it is felt that a specific intervention is not working for your child then an alternative may be discussed with their class teacher.

Resources and Local Support for Parents

In School

If you require information or support with your child we can help you in various ways. 
Please contact Ginny Fearn ginny.fearn@monksabbey.lincs.sch.uk or Jo Harris joanna.harris@monksabbey.lincs.sch.uk 
and we can arrange to meet with you.


Support Groups/ Websites

The following websites/email addresses may be useful for further information:

Lincolnshire County Council’s Local Offer Website –  https://lincolnshire.fsd.org.uk/kb5/lincs/fsd/localoffer.page?familychannel=2
Lincolnshire Family Services Directory – www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/fsd
Liaise (SEND) Information, Advice and Support in Lincolnshire – www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/liaise
Family Lives – www.familylives.org.uk
The National Autistic Society – www.autism.org.uk

PAACT (Lincolnshire Autism Support) –https://lincolnshire.fsd.org.uk/kb5/lincs/fsd/service.page?id+udiRAPg0taQ&familychannel=2_1_1_1
Lincolnshire ADHD Support Group – www.lincsadhd.org

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (representing the views of children & parents) - www.lincspcf.org.uk

As well as the resources above there are a growing number of "apps" that are useful for supporting pupils with particular needs.

apps dyslexia.pdf


apps autism.pdf


apps send.pdf


LCC Local Offer

LCC Local Offer

SEN Complaints Procedure

If a parent has a concern or complaint regarding Special Needs, they are encouraged in the first instance to meet with the SENCo. If this matter is not resolved satisfactorily the Headteacher should be notified.


If the concern is not resolved, parents have the right to ask for an examination of the complaint by the Governing Body.


See Monks Abbey's Complaints Policy for more information.